no ai // cut, don't paste //
no photoshop composits

read the rules

commercial // fashion // illustration // digital art // conceptual art // landscape & nature // wildlife // portrait // reportage/photojournalism // sports // wedding // urban jungle // young photographer

pick your categories

gather your images



Sven Van Roy

Bert De Busschere

Andy Hens

 enclosed color profile: sRGB, Adobe 98 or Greyscale.

(but your image will likely already be just that ;))

color profile

set the title of your image in English, as we're having an international jury!

your title

max. 50MB please

(yes, that's also big)

the technical stuff

at least 4000 pixels on the longest side

(so we can go big!)


THINGS you need to KNOW.


compete to WIN

you should read the rules

we told you already...

deadline: 10tH of september

Judges grade all of your amazing images!

Yeah, we find it Exciting too!

Awardshow at Creative Connect

23 th of october

The festival for visual storytellers

get your tickets now

winners per category and finalists will be announced during a kickass awardshow presented by destination wedding photographer Raïs de weirdt

february 2025

Live judging of
the Belgian Excellence label
& selecting Belgian's First Photographer 

Stefan Tilburgs

All professional photographers or photographers in service of a company can join the Belgian Photo Awards. 
Are you between 18 & 35? Guess What? You even got the chance to win the title of Young Talent of the year!

At any time, the competitor has the right to access, view, and amend their information, as well as withdraw their participation in the competition by emailing

Digitally manipulated and composite images are allowed in all categories, except for Nature – Macro, Nature – Landscape, and Nature – Wildlife. In the categories Portrait and Conceptual Art, minor adjustments are allowed. 
If major adjustments, manipulations, or composites have been made, the more creative categories are suitable for the image (e.g. Digital Illustration and Commercial).

Do your images sometimes feel like your babies too? Well, a kid needs a name!
Entrants can give a title to their image during uploading. That title will be presented to the jury. We strongly recommend choosing an English title, as not all members of the international jury speak Dutch, French or German. The photographer's name or logo must not be included in the filename or be visible in the image itself.

Photos must be at least 4000 pixels on the longest side. They must be jpegs 10 - 12 (maximum quality) and maximum 50 megabytes file size with an enclosed colour profile: sRGB, Adobe 98 or Greyscale.

Images may only compete in one category (copies in multiple categories are not allowed even if they have been edited differently). Images competing may not be presented as images submitted to the Belpa competition, for example on social media, before the competition is completed. Images may have been previously published in other contexts and may have participated in other competitions.

In composite images, all elements must be created by the photographers themselves. This means that no stock images are allowed in the competition. Images or image elements created using AI are not allowed in any category of the Belgian Photo Awards competition. It is prohibited to use editing tools that insert information not derivable from the original file(s).

We WILL ask for the RAW files of all finalists, so no, there is no escaping this. Bummer. We keep it real.

Or what did you expect?

A committee of experienced judges will make the final selection of photos to be submitted for Belgium. The jury will select based on the following 4 criteria: 
  • Impact 
  • Vision 
  • Technical perfection 
  • Composition 

Each category will have 3-5 judges who will give their points for each photo completely independently. Each jury member individually and without mutual communication gives a value between 0 and 100 to each photo. This should not be compared with the points of the other photos. No jury member makes a ranking, but only gives a value photo by photo. Afterwards, for each category, the points of the 5 judges are added together and the ranking is made to determine the 10 finalists of that category. 

So no, the winners won't get selected by a random game of darts. Even though we really wanted though.

A committee of experienced judges for both the online judging as the live judging is carefully selected. They range from both national as international, professional photographer and curator. By choosing a diverse team we make the competition brings together the entire Belgian Photography field. You can find the judges here.

The deadline for submitting entries is the 1st of September 2024. But as you’re here now, don’t miss out & submit!

Yes, there is an entry fee for our photo competition. We want to assure you that the entry fee plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation and success of the competition. These costs include but are not limited to administrative expenses, judging fees, promotion, and the logistics of managing entries and winners.

It's important to note that the entry fee helps us maintain the quality and integrity of the competition, ensuring a fair and professional environment for all participants. 

The photographer pays € 19 VAT incl. per picture. To enter for the Belgian excellence title, at least 3 images must be submitted.
We look forward to seeing your pics entered!

The Belpa’s are an Awards Contest Offering Impactful Prizes. Designed to suit and nourish the careers of the best photographic talent at any stage of their career, our prizes will help you uplevel your artistic practice.
Photographers strive for prestigious titles as winners of the categories but also the renowned title of Belgian Excellence. 
All finalists get a 2 month exposition during Lens op de mens. And get their pictures shown in a designed tasteful Photobook.
When a photographer is later selected for Team Belgium they get the opportunity of global exposure through international channels.

The 3 runner-up winners of each category and the finalists of the Belgian Excellence title will be announced October 23 at the Creative Connect Festival! 

More info on Creative Connect coming soon!

Absolutely not! We will sell all of your personal stuff to the Chinese government. How else do you think we make money? Just kidding obviously. Everything is safe with us and will not be used elsewhere. However:

By participating in the competition, photographers agree and confirm that the competition committee for the Belgian Photo Awards is allowed to receive and store the photographer’s submitted personal data. Participants agree that their personal data, which includes, but is not limited to name, address, phone number, and email address, may be collected, processed, stored, and used to conduct and administer the Belgian Photo Awards and sending entries to the WPC.
By participating in the competition, photographers agree that their entries, if selected, may also compete for Belgium's national photographers team in the World Photographic Cup (WPC) (which would be an incredible honor).

By participating in the competition, photographers allow the organization, without compensation, to use any of the images submitted for marketing purposes, including on the Belpa website, social media, and in printed materials for this and future Belgian Photo Awards projects.
By participating in the competition, photographers agree their images and results to be published on any of Belpa’s marketing channels (website, social media, etc.), as well as in other contexts related to the competition. Sponsors and media may also publish/show the images in contexts related to the competition.

For all images that advance to the print final, the unedited original files will be requested to verify that the photographer is the author of the finished competition image. Instructions for this will be sent via email to the relevant photographers along with other instructions prior to the print final. The original file(s) may also be requested earlier during the competition. In such cases, the photographer will be contacted by the head judge and given instructions on how and when to submit the original files. It is therefore important to save the original file(s) and have them available in case of such a request. For composite images, ALL image elements must be submitted as separate original files as described above. Instructions will be provided by the head judge via email. 

If it comes to the jury's attention that any image has caused suffering to animals or destruction of the natural environment, the participant may be disqualified. Any images that do not meet technical specifications/ requirements or that violate the stated rules will be disqualified. 

Final images that are not submitted as physical enlargements on time before the print final will be disqualified. The deadline and complete instructions for submission will be sent via email to all finalists immediately after the finalists are announced. 
Final images (prints) that are not correctly labeled on the back of the print will be disqualified. Labeling instructions will be sent via email to all finalists immediately after the finalists are announced. 

Images that have the use of Ai or photographers not being able to provide their RAW file as proof, will be disqualified.
Final images (prints) that do not have the correct dimensions according to the PRINT FINAL SPECIFICATIONS will be disqualified. Final images (prints) that have been altered compared to the digital competition image (e.g., through cropping, cloning, retouching, color corrections, etc.) will be disqualified. Final images (prints) that in any other way differ from the digital competition image will be disqualified.

The entire rulebook

click here


If you dare..

the investment


vat included
(how awesome)


cheap as chips

per picture

the investment

never tried is never won.

